Tuesday, 17 December 2013

How to Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing

Have you been intrigued by the nudism movement? Have you wanted to try it yourself sometime? If you're not ready to practice nudism in public, you may want to try it in the privacy of your room before venturing outside. Keep reading to learn how to turn your bedroom into a one-person nudist colony


  1. 1
    Get complete privacy. Shut and lock all the doors and windows in the room that you'll be staying in. Especially at night, pull the shades or blinds. Put a towel or blanket along the bottom of your door if there is a gap between it and the floor. You want complete privacy with no interference.
    • Make sure that you have plenty of things to do, and that you can keep to yourself for the period of time that you have in mind.
  2. 2
    Remove your clothing and place it out of the way in one place that is easily accessible in case you need to get dressed quickly. Lay your clothes out in the order in which you would put them on. (Every second counts!)
  3. 3
    Do what you wish. Find an activity to keep busy, such as:
    • Do fun things such as: Read a book, play a computer game, watch TV, draw, paint, play solitaire, do word searches, play guitar, and so on.
    • Do more serious pursuits such as: refine your resume, do computer research, do your taxes, clean your room, organize photos, and so on. Things that might otherwise not be much fun to do (i.e. cleaning) are often much enjoyable to do while nude.
    • Moderate exercise, stretching, or yoga is very beneficial while nude, especially in front of a full-length mirror, as one can see which muscles and ligaments come into play.
    • Give yourself a self-massage. While you are not able to reach your back, you can massage your legs, arms, torso, feet, hands, stomach, scalp, and other places you can relieve tension.
    • While nude with an extended amount of time at your disposal, it is a good time to apply moisturizing lotion all over your body as you relax on a blanket. In the winter months, especially, this would help solve dryness issues. You could purchase a special back lotion applicator.
    • Don't try anything illegal, harmful or otherwise unintelligent, for obvious reasons.
    • While it may be tempting to engage in self-pleasuring behavior while nude, remember that one of the core principles of nudism is that it is practiced in a non-sexual manner. That is why it is important to have as many other things to fill your time as possible once you shut your door.
  4. 4
    When you are finished, put your clothing back on, and go to another room if you want, with no one else the wiser.


  • Keep sounds/music to a minimum volume (including avoiding the use of earbuds/earphones) so you can hear if someone comes home or knocks on your door while you are nude.
  • Remember to enjoy this time for yourself, and have fun! This is your time to show how unique you are as a person.
  • Have a bathrobe and slippers handy, if you must leave the room to answer the door bell, use the bathroom, answer the telephone, get a snack, and so on. It will be much easier than having to put your clothes back on, and then having to take them off again. However, be ready with a quick answer if someone sees you outside your room and wants to know, "What are you doing in a bathrobe at this hour?". "Oh, I'm going to take a quick shower" is a reasonable answer. Of course, then you'll have to follow through and take one!
  • It is proper nudist etiquette - while at a nudist resort or other event - to bring your own towel to sit on. Even if you're not ready to go to such an event yet, it's good practice to bring a towel into your room to sit on during your nude time so you can get used to the idea.
  • If you plan to be in your room nude for an hour or more, you may want to bring something to eat and drink with you.

  • It is wise to practice nudism when your parents or significant other is not at home. This might be different if you can secure the room and keep it to yourself without anyone getting suspicious and inquiring or questioning your behavior. One way this can be done is by taking a "long" shower or bath.
  • If you are a woman and menstruating, take precaution.

All about Ugandan Nudism/Naturism

What is a Naturist?

A naturist is a nudist. A nudist is a naturist. They are interchangeable terms. One part of the world prefers naturist, another part uses nudist.  The bottom line is that either term refers to a person who prefers to recreate, work, relax, play games, swim, hike, visit with friends, or whatever without clothes. It creates a great feeling of comfort, relaxation, and  freedom that simply cannot be achieved with the mental and physical encumbrances of clothing. Nudists will agree on this point, but will also point out that the acceptance of this truth can only be realized through participation, not through reading or thinking about it, or discussing it with others. It is an experiential reality.

Why do people  become Naturists?

There are probably many answers to this question, almost as many as there are nudists.  Some like to refer to the fact that they were born that way. Yes, some even try it for the wrong reasons, but it quickly becomes evident that sex is not what it is about. If someone attempts to participate for this reason they are soon disappointed and leave on their own. Respectful and courteous behavior toward others is expected. Disrespectful behavior is not tolerated. Naturism is about freedom, enjoyment, and getting in touch with yourself and the real personality in others. At first it can be an exciting or even fearful experience simply due to the mental attitude or baggage we bring with us. The negatives quickly melt away to be replaced with a wonderful feeling of acceptance of yourself and others.

Is it wrong?

Absolutely and unequivocally NO!  This "wrong" judgment and image of the human body, i.e., of ourselves, is the result of misguided and erroneous, but non-the-less dominant cultural teachings. Dominant cultural precepts and attitudes have often been wrong in the past. Just consider such subjects as flat earth vs round earth, earth as the center of the universe, that people could be evil witches and thus should be burned at the stake or drowned, that Blacks were somehow subhuman and therefore slavery was ok, that Native Americans were also subhuman and should be exterminated. More recent  errors of a dominant culture are the Vietnam War, which was thought to be right and necessary, that women do not have the same rights as men. Nudism/naturism is also  being subjected to this kind of "thinking," i.e., seeing the human body or being nude socially as harmful, unacceptable, or somehow obscene or indecent. There is a  self-righteousness, arrogance, and ignorance in this kind of thinking that should not be accepted no matter what the times or the subject matter. Nudism may not appeal to  everyone as sports and opera do not appeal to everyone, but we all should have the right to choose and participate equally and fairly with others without prejudice.

What can I expect to get out of joining in social nudism?

The dominant attitude toward our bodies and thus ourselves is not only wrong, and  disrespectful, but it is harmful to our self image, confidence, and healthy social interaction. Those three aspects are most often referred to as improvements and pluses in their lives by individuals after becoming involved in the nudist lifestyle. This is especially true among nudist children as witnessed by friends, parents, and even researchers. Children are in the early stages of developing attitudes that will follow them throughout  their lives. It is far better for them to develop a healthy attitude while young than to try to change later in life when it is so difficult. It is really more harmful to instill the present dominant cultural fears, misinformation, inhibitions into children.

Social nudism is a sense of freedom, comfort and relaxation that cannot be achieved  when confined physically and mentally in clothing. People, generally, are friendlier and interact more easily and quickly when nude. By meeting at clubs or beaches with people from all over the country and the world there is a kind of national and international  camaraderie that develops. It is an active, take control way to shed oneself of fear and shame regarding our bodies. After being a nudist for a while the snickering, immature attitude of society toward our bodies and their parts, and that of regarding our bodies as a product to be kept secret and doled out in small profitable pieces takes on a kind unsophisticated foolishness.

Random Photos of Ugandan Nudists

These are people who inspire the blog and encourage us to keep posting.

Do you want to Send In Your Ugandan Nudist Photos?

Hey there, perhaps you want to be the next cover personality of our blog or you have a nudist event coming up, then let us know about your experience and anything nudist via ugandanudism@gmail.com

Monday, 16 December 2013

I wanna Be a Nudist

I wanna be a nudist and live by the sea
I wanna be a businessman drinking lots of coffee
And I wanna be in love, kissing
I wanna be a punching bad and appear on TV
I'd love to be action man, full accessories
And I wanna be a black bug in the belly of the beast
Beast, beast, beast, beast
Nudist, nudist

Nudism is a lifestyle, it's not immorality. It's hyper self-confidence. 

Can't we Have a Nudist Ugandan Beach?

Can't we have a clothes optional Ugandan beach where other nudists can get in touch with other nudists and enjoy the freedom of being out on the sandy beaches? We are thinking of nudist house-parties, nudist dances and of course a beach for the Uganda Nudist community.

What Your First Time as a Nudist Feels Like

Nudism Happens” - The first time you DARE to go bare in the comfort and security of home!  It is really quite simple and easy, though it may require having a slightly higher heating bill in the middle of winter!
Taking off the clothing you may have grown up with is like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, a transformation, a revelation, and in some cases a discovery that whole-body nudity beyond bath-time is comfortable and we all SHOULD be able to enjoy it!
Take a look in the mirror while nude, a serious look, beginning with the eyes and then carefully examining each part of your body.  Know it, appreciate it, BELIEVE in it because this is the vessel God chose for you to experience life!  The body has millions of nerve endings, tiny hairs to sense changes in air movement, and can even extend itself through the mechanism called “Goosebumps” to heighten its awareness of our surroundings when necessary.  The body has an amazing cooling ability if it is not impeded and certainly “knows” how to shed excess heat when the environment demands it or when we workout or do strenuous physical activity.  You have got to love it!  It’s healthy to love it and only by appreciating the machine we are, can we move ahead and evolve to the next level of social evolution.
If you have a thoughtful or positive thought to share about understanding your body or going nude the first time, a time you realized ‘I can be nude and its alright’ please reblog or retumbl this post and add your story!!  Tens of thousands of fellow human beings are waiting to know what it meant to you and see how it related to their experience!
Thank you!

Nudism is an expression of who God made you as a person

Heard of the nude church in Virginia? Yes. Heard of a baby who was born with clothes? NO.

We hope that through this blog we can teach the conservatives to let go of what holds them back, and take a one day as nudists and taste the difference and freedom. You can be a home nudist, a bedroom nudist, a private nudist or even go public with your nudism. That's all we are trying to say. Nudism is not porn as the media seems to portray most of the time.

We Over-Pretend

Nudism is the way of breaking free from our shells, we are born naked, we spend our childhoods naked, we even enjoy a naked sleep, we have sleep naked, we shower naked, why then can't we embrace nudism without any guilt conscience.

I am happy to see that as I get older more people of color are shedding clothes and not just at Hedonism or in a sexual nature. It feels good to be free, and just be me..

Why You Should Really Consider Nudism

I am not a naturist, but a person who believes in the expression of the human form. Ugandan people to me have a self hate vendetta against there own bodies. I am not for naturism because of its corporate mindset, and lack of family guidelines. Maybe I am too old school but I believe nudity or being nude is not to be exploited or profited from. Blacks are constantly portrayed whenever nude (natural) in a pornographic, or exploited manner. If I seem wrong reply back!
The color of your skin does not indicate whether or not you love or hate your body.  You can hate or love your body no matter what race you are. I’m black and I love my body. I do agree, however, that black people are often portrayed in a pornographic manner. Just trying to find images for this blog is sometimes seems difficult.

Random Ugandan Nudist Photos

We are a community that's in touch with their bodies, and aren't afraid to flaunt them, this is who we are, this is real freedom.

This is one of those moments at Spennah Beach

It pays to just wake up in the morning without fears of putting on clothes

How Nudism Boosts Self-Confidence

Experienced nudists often speak of the many benefits of living the nudist lifestyle. Those who have yet to try social nudity might be surprised to learn that nudism is a great way to build self esteem and self confidence.
Today many people living in Uganda and elsewhere, especially women, suffer from a lack self confidence when it comes to their physical appearance. For this reason, appearing completely starkers in the company of a mixed group of people in a social nudity setting is something that a lot of people could never imagine themselves doing.
The truth is however that social nudity is one of the most powerful means to improve self confidence and gain positive body acceptance and one of the best reasons to be nude in Uganda.
Lack of self confidence
It's no surprise that many people, women particularly suffer from a lack of self confidence about their physical appearance. The media bombards us daily with images of young, thin models air-brushed to perfection with the implicit message that everyone should aspire to looking like them if they wish to be considered attractive.
It's only natural that people have become conditioned to having negative feelings about their bodies. After all, everyone has physical imperfections; extra pounds, scars, stretch marks and the like.
Body acceptance and self confidence building
One of the foundation philosophies of nudism is body acceptance. What that means is that nudists believe that the human body is beautiful in all its diverse sizes and shapes. Nudists accept people for who they are regardless of physical appearance. It's fine if a person has a body that approaches the unrealistic perfection so often seen in advertsing but equally acceptable if a person doesn't even come close to measuring up to that ideal.
The truth is, few people have bodies like those we are conditioned by Madison Avenue to accept as normal. It is actually a miniscule percentage of the population that actually look anything like the models we see on the glossy covers of magazines.
As mentioned, even many of those have had imperfections removed to enhance their looks through the magic of photographic manipulation. For most of us, our size and shape has far more to do with genetics than to how much we eat or exercise.
How self confidence can grow through social nudity
During an interview for an article, "Naked truth about nudist lifestyle," published in October 2010 at the site Bay of Plenty Times, 60-year-old Glenne Findon, explained how her experiences as a nudist over the years had boosted her self-confidence.
Before she became a naturist, Glenne characterized herself as "shy, reserved, introverted" and not confident in herself at all. She admitted that she was more than a little apprehensive when she tried social nudity for the first time but explained that nudism had totally changed her and the way she felt about her body. Through the nudist lifestyle she gained acceptance of her body and herself.
"Many people, especially women, think their body isn't good enough to bare in front of others," Glenne observed, but continued, "We're not all models...as a naturist, people are accepted for who they are, not what they look like."
Glenne's partner, Colin Basire, also interviewed for the article, shared how the nudist lifestyle had helped him gain more self confidence. Mentioning that in the everyday clothed world he had great difficulty standing up and speaking publicly in a group, in the naturist environment he felt completely at ease doing that nude.
How to gain self confidence
If you live in Uganda as suffer from poor body image issues and low self confidence, the solution is really as simple as summoning the courage for a first time visit to visit one of the local nudist parks or resorts. Feeling acceptance is really the key to having self confidence and positive self esteem and acceptance is what you will find.
It's perfectly natural to feel a little apprehensive the first time you appear naked in front of a group of other people, but those who have overcome those fears and tried it frequently report that in mere minutes, nudity feels like the most natural thing in the world. The best part is that gaining increased self confidence from living the nudist lifestyle carries over to everyday living. Nudists find that they have greater self confidence and higher self esteem in ever facet of life, not just when they are in the company of other nudists at one of the Kampala area resorts.

The Health Benefits of Nudism

The Sun

There shelves full of sun screen products in many stores because you hear about how bad the sun is for you. You hear about how damaging the sun can be to your skin. The sun can cause discomfort at least and skin cancer at worse. The truth is the sun is good for you and have some good benefits for your body, particularly in the production of Vitamin D and mentally also.
The problems that you hear about and are warned about pertains to over exposure to the sun. You man have heard this phrase before and it is especially true when it comes to the sun; "everything in moderation." In the case of the sun moderation is about 10-15 minutes. Anything beyond that you should be wearing one of those screening lotions or even better have on loose fitting clothing.
Spending 10-15 minutes in the sun in a near nude state (have to obey the laws of the land) helps in the production of Vitamin D, the sun helps with your mood, and helps with body processes running smoothly.

Nudity and Air

Many people don't think of it but like you feet needing to breathe, so does the rest of the skin on your body. Exposing yourself to the open air (of course in the privacy of your own home) is always a good idea. Allow your body to breathe and cool itself in the open air in your home. This will work wonders for your skin staying health.

Water and the Naked Body

We know that the body needs to consume about a gallon of water a day to make sure the body is pretty well hydrated and so that many internal processes run smoothly with the smoothly flow of blood helped with the water in the body. But few people pay attention to the fake the skin needs to moisturised also. The best way of doing this is with water. This can be accomplished by letting the water just run on your body after you finished cleansing yourself in the shower; soak a little longer in the bath; and when you are done with shower or bath, allow the body to air dry. By doing these things you allow the water to be absorbed into the skin.
Note: You may want to use a towel in those places that does not dry too quickly (between the toes, under the arms, the crotch area, and for females underneath the breasts). Those areas are the most common areas that bacteria and fungus grew because they stay moist the longest.

No Clothes What a Relief

Probably one of the most recognisable benefit of being nude,is that you are free from those restrictive clothing that many wear. This begins with being free of those undergarments that is maybe a little too tight with that elastic band, the bra that is a little too small so that it holds up the breast, and for those with a little more weight than they like, that ever so tight girdle. You ever wonder why the first thing paramedics, medics, emt do is unfasten clothing especially bras and tight fitting shirts and pants. The answer is that these items tend to restrict the flow of blood.
If you can run around the house in the nude, when feasible, or at least in your bedroom for awhile is always a good thing. You will truly get better blood flow. But, if you must wear clothes, loose fitting, but tasteful is always recommended.

What is Nudism

Some Frequently Asked Questions about Nudism
We get frequent calls from people curious about social nudity. They often ask the same basic questions, so in the interest of time, we try to answer those most commonly asked below. Q1. What is a Nudist/Naturist?
Naturism is not a radical new idea. The philosophy is thousands of years old. In ancient cultures as diverse as the Japanese, Roman, Hawaiian, and Greek, non-sexual social nudism was common. Skinny-dipping, or swimming without suits, was also common in many parts of the United States until the early 20th century.
Among those who practice this way of life, the consensus of opinion says just doing housework alone in the nude, doesn’t really qualify as being a nudist. Changing and showering in a locker room probably does not qualify either. What all practitioners agree is that exposure to other unclothed persons outside the home is usually seen as the defining moment that causes one to be able to declare he/she is a social nudist or naturist.
Many non-nudists believe that being naked with other people is necessarily always sexual, or that nudism is morally wrong or pornographic. Nudists/Naturists generally reject these views. Objections against being nude are often religiously motivated, even when they start out as a cultural taboo. Some peoples have started wearing clothes only after missionaries argued that that is “more civilized.” However, there are many devout nudists who attend services regularly and argue that they do not need to shed their morals with their clothes. Also there is a Christian sect that practiced religious nudism, the Adamites. There also are several Christian-based nudist resorts and travel clubs scattered across America.
At one end of the spectrum is 'unorganized' naturism in which there is nothing to join, no one to pay, and only civil, common and criminal law to serve as rules of etiquette. Many people get their first exposure to the naturist movement through this kind of informal nudism (e.g. a clothing optional beach, a friend's place in the woods, a party on the shore; skinny dipping).
Among “organized” nudists, the need to exist in as crime-free an environment as possible is taken very seriously, and potential members often go through strict screening procedures before being allowed inside. Persons who think of nudity as “foreplay” are more correctly defined as “swingers” and not nudists. These people are warned that solicitation for sex is strictly taboo and will get you tossed out of a club or resort very quickly. As a result nudists claim that their children (and spouses) are far safer from potential sex predators in a nudist environment than they are in the textiled world. Nudist organizations maintain and try to enforce a no sex in public policy. The common mantra is “Nude is Not Lewd” It is rare to see obvious signs of sexual behavior (including staring or gawking) at most sites. When sexual or drug misbehavior occurs it is usually done by non-nudists in “unorganized” environments, such as by people (usually men) up on the cliffs looking down on the nude beach-goers.
Some nudist organizations do not allow people with body jewelry below their neck on their premises, as these often have sexual connotations. The same applies to certain tattoos, although both these rules seems to be less and less enforced since body piercings and tattoos are now becoming more commonplace in the general public. Almost all clubs accept people of all sizes, shapes, ages, and types including those with surgical scars, or interestingly trimmed (or absence of) hair. Some nudist organizations do not allow unaccompanied men, or have established quotas in order to better achieve “gender balance” at their venues. The same policy does not usually apply to single women, and some see this as hypocritical in a subculture which promotes “acceptance.” This topic is often debated within naturist circles.
Remember, the terms “colony” and “camp” are now considered arcane and are no longer used except by the uneducated public press. To read some additional nudist terminology, click here.
Q2. What's the difference between a “Naturist” and a “Nudist”?
Both terms refer to persons who believe in the inherent dignity of the human form, whether or not it is covered with clothing, and who reject the notion that all nudity is sexual. "Naturism" is the term more commonly used outside the U.S. to describe family-friendly, clothes-free recreation at appropriate times and places; "nudism" is an American term and usually refers to nude recreation that occurs within the confines of private clubs or resorts organized for that purpose. Although the terms are used interchangeably in this article, some draw a distinction between the terms by defining a naturist as one who embraces a philosophy that includes more than occasional nudity, often environmentalism, vegetarianism or simply more of a closeness to nature. A visit to a nude beach may entitle someone to be called a nudist, but does not make one a naturist.
The nudist or naturist label is really a state of mind of the practitioner, instead of a strictly defined classification imposed by others. The majority of those who enjoy skinny-dipping and other clothes-free activities, though, reject attaching any particular label to it at all.
Q3. Why do Nudists/Naturists like to be nude?
Naturists reject clothes when possible for the same reason most people avoid wearing a three-piece suit to the beach: It's more comfortable to be free of them. Nudists/Naturists are people who believe the human body is inherently dignified and is nothing to be ashamed of.
The idea of “body acceptance” is also a large part of the philosophy. The stripping away of clothing removes the materialistic and class status symbols that act to separate individuals from each other, allowing them to experience, at the same time, both the freedom and also the vulnerability of who they really are with others. They believe people should have the right to be nude at appropriate times and places, public and private. Consequently, nudists participate in various social and group activities without clothes whenever the weather or public circumstances allows it. The benefits naturists claim from clothes-free recreation are as varied as the individuals who participate, but may include relaxation and stress relief; improved body image and self-esteem; the chance to form social relationships based on character rather than appearance; a deeper feeling of connection to the earth and other naked creatures; and the satisfaction of a more natural, rational approach to the body.
Many naturists are convinced that increased exposure to the natural environment, made easier through nudity, can result in numerous health benefits. Sunlight has been shown to be beneficial in some skin conditions, and is required by the body to make vitamin D. However, with the increased awareness of skin cancer, wearing of sunblock/sun protection lotions is now part of the nudist culture and is one of their frequently discussed topics. Whereas nudist parents don't require their children to put on clothes before going outside at a nudist club or beach, most do require them to put on sunscreen lotion. Overall, naturists often claim that they are more relaxed and in a better state of mind when they shed their clothes.
Q4. How are naturists different from other people?
In their day to day lives, naturists are not very different at all from the people you know. There are naturists in every profession and socio-economic level. Some are married, some are single, and some are parents with children. Naturists tend to be well-educated. They are often politically minded and vote across the spectrum. Many are religious; virtually every major denomination is represented.
Chances are, you already are acquainted with some naturists. In fact, you are talking to one now. Some of your friends, neighbors and co-workers probably enjoy skinny-dipping from time to time. Perhaps you yourself have visited a nude beach or resort, either close to home or while traveling in Europe or the Caribbean.
Naturist gatherings bring together people from all walks of life but with a fundamental similarity. Naturists say this diversity of background combined with a shared belief in body acceptance provides an atmosphere of tolerance and openness unmatched by other social groups and settings.
Q5. What do naturists like to do while nude?
The activities you might enjoy at a clothing-optional beach or resort are the same ones you'd enjoy at any beach or resort: swimming, running, walking, Frisbee, bicycling, picnicking or just reading and relaxing. Many resorts have volleyball, tennis, petanque and other sports facilities, along with swimming pools, hot tubs, saunas and spas.
If you're an outdoors type, you might enjoy backcountry hiking, camping, sailing, canoeing (sometimes called "canuding"), hot springs soaking, or backpacking. If you live in a climate where the weather turns cold, look for a local naturist group to provide pool parties, bowling, roller skating or other indoor nude activities in winter.
Q6. How popular is nudism/naturism?
Very! Millions of people have experienced the freedom of nude recreation. Long accepted in European countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands, today clothing-optional beaches and resorts may be found across the globe and are increasingly popular in the U.S., Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico, Australia, Britain, Spain, South Africa, Brazil, New Zealand even Russia! The latest World Guide to Nude Beaches and Resorts lists 1,365 such destinations worldwide.
Roper Polls. In the U.S., poll after poll demonstrates public acceptance of naturism. In 1983, a Roper poll found that over two-thirds of the American public (72%) agreed with the statement: “people who enjoy nude sunbathing should be able to do so without interference from officials as long as they do so at a beach that is accepted for that purpose” (24% were opposed). In 2000, Roper did another survey using the exact same questions. This time the approval number had risen to 80%, while the opposition had decreased to 17%. In other words, the public is far more accepting of the idea of “free beaches” than the politicians think or that the volume level of the few remaining vocal opponents would indicate.
Comparing results of a second question, also asked seventeen years apart, yielded even more positive results. When asked of local and state governments should set aside “secluded areas” of public land for people who enjoy nude sunbathing, the numbers now showed opponents and supporters to be evenly divided (48% each). In 1983, the poll showed only 39% in support and 54% opposed. Clearly there has been a positive shift between generations. A third question asked if the person being polled had ever personally ever gone "skinny dipping" or nude sunbathing in a mixed group of men and women at a beach, at a pool, or somewhere else? In 1983 only 15% admitted to having done so, but in 2000 the survey revealed that number had grown to 25%. This extrapolates into an extraordinary 51 million Americans who have participated at one time or another in nude recreation. A total of 18% said they would consider visiting a clothing-optional resort or nude beach.
In 2006, a third Roper poll found similar results. In the scientific sampling of 1009 U.S. adults conducted recently by Roper, 74 percent of those polled said they believed people who enjoy nude sunbathing should be able to do so without interference from local officials as long as they do so at a beach that is accepted for that purpose. Responses to other questions in the poll suggest that more than 55 million Americans have, at one time or another skinny-dipped or sunbathed nude in mixed-gender groups. Approval for government designation of clothing-optional areas has reached 54 percent in the 2006 survey, up from 39% in 1983 to 48% in 2000.
While the majority clearly accepts the naturist way of life, it seems our lawmakers and politicians in North America have yet to catch up with the times. Although there are a number of traditionally recognized clothes-optional beaches in the U.S., only a few are officially designated.
Q7. Isn't it against the law to be nude in public?
All 50 states have laws addressing public nudity, and there are Canadian and territorial laws addressing the topic, too. But laws are not uniform across North America. In some places, nudity is only restricted under certain circumstances, such as being reckless in your disregard for the presence of someone who would be offended. Definitions of nudity vary wildly among jurisdictions, too. In many places (New York state and Austin, Texas, for example), a top-free woman is not considered nude. One Florida county started a legal trend a few years ago with a bizarre 250-word mathematical definition of the human buttocks!
Enlightened jurisdictions are making a distinction between lewd activity and simple non-sexual nudity (e.g., skinny-dipping or nude sunbathing). Even those retaining relatively harsh penalties for nudity are beginning to see the benefit of having public places set aside for clothing-optional use.
For questions involving legal interpretations, we recommend that you consult an attorney. For a complete listing of the various California laws regarding nudity see another article in this booklet.
Q8. I'd have to lose 15 pounds first. Do all naturists have perfect bodies?
Most of us are so accustomed to viewing idealized versions of the human body in movies, in magazines and on television that we've developed an unrealistic idea of what the “average” body is like. Consequently, as a first-time naturist you may fear that everyone else will have a thin, fit, perfectly proportioned body, and that you will not. This is not the case. At clothes-optional beaches and resorts you will be greeted by body types of all kinds: young and old, tall and short, fat and thin, tanned and pale, and everything in between. Some people will have physical disabilities; others will carry scars from past injuries or surgeries. Few will conform to an artificial "Hollywood standard" of perfection, a standard that's all but impossible to achieve for most people. What's more, you will find that all types of bodies are accepted just as they are.
Q9. What about sex? Are naturists a bunch of perverts or exhibitionists?
Absolutely not. To the contrary, naturists believe it is our cultural heritage of body shame that leads to an unhealthy obsession with sex. Naturists believe sex is a normal, healthy part of life, but one that should be enjoyed by consenting adults in private. They believe clothes-optional beaches, resorts, or social gatherings are inappropriate places for sexual activity. They recognize that while nude is not lewd, public sex is offensive to many people, and almost always illegal. Naturists are not exhibitionists. They do not wish to offend those who fear nakedness, and therefore work for designated public and private areas at which people have the option to wear clothes or not. They prefer such areas to be well-marked so people who may be offended can easily avoid them. As in all social situations, there is an etiquette to clothes-free gatherings that's based on common sense and respect for others.
It's common in cultures that link nudity and sexuality for people to believe that anyone who is nude is somehow motivated by sexual desire. Women may worry that men will ogle them or come on to them. Men might fear that they will embarrass themselves by becoming aroused at the sight of so many naked bodies. The truth is that neither happens very often. Desmond Morris, social anthropologist and author of The Naked Ape, writes that "If you perform nudity in public you destroy its value as an erotic action.” Nudists know this to be true in practice.
Women concerned about gawkers should be encouraged to learn that it is socially unacceptable at the places where naturists gather for people to stare, harass, or intimidate others. If someone is making you feel uncomfortable with their comments or behavior, it is right to speak up against it, and to notify the resort manager, activity leader or beach user group volunteer. Unacceptable behavior need not be tolerated.
Men who fear they will get an erection should know that it is rare in naturist settings. Some say it's because the initial nervousness of the new situation inhibits a physical sexual response. But the most important reason is that a naturist environment is not sexually charged.
If a man should experience an involuntary erection, the appropriate response would be to casually cover up with a towel, roll over onto his stomach, jump in the water or otherwise excuse himself until the moment passes. Naturists know that erections are natural and often involuntary, but it's considered impolite to “flaunt it.” Breaking the link between nudity and sexuality often opens an entirely new dimension of body- and self-acceptance. For most people it's an exhilarating realization of physical and spiritual freedom.
Q10. Will I be forced to undress the minute I arrive?
Some people fear they will be embarrassed to undress in front of others for the first time. Many of the traditional nudist resorts do require those visiting for the first time to disrobe and to take a tour of the facilities. This acts as a filter to separate out those serious about participating in the club’s activities from those who just want to get a sneak peek. It's best to ask the management when you call to arrange your visit, if this is important to you.
The good news is that all public lands naturist areas, and many of the resorts today, are clothing-optional, not “nudity required.” That means it is entirely up to the individual whether, when and how to disrobe. At nude beaches especially, you will find it easy to go at your own pace. In fact, you will probably find that you are eager to undress, since you might feel strange when you are the only one in clothing!
Most clubs will not allow clothing of any kind in their spas or swimming pools, for example, whether or not clothes are optional elsewhere on the grounds. Most naturists will dress at some times (like when the sun goes down and it's chilly) or for some activities (like barbecuing). Women who are menstruating sometimes will wear shorts, a pareo, or other wrap-around (though others simply wear tampons and tuck in or cut off the "string"). For the most part, naturists prefer to be naked and will be whenever the opportunity is there.
Q11. Are my children welcome? Is nudism harmful to children?
Naturism is for all ages, and naturist beaches and resorts in general are family-friendly places (though some parents may find those out-of-the-way beaches difficult to reach with the little ones). Parents may wonder whether their children will want to participate in nude activities, and the answer depends a great deal upon the child and what messages he or she has received about the body while growing up. Young children are natural nudists, but it's not unusual for older ones to become less interested in nude recreation at the onset of puberty. How parents react to these differing developmental stages varies, but a child's fears and feelings should be respected. Discretion is the watchword here. Another hot topic these days concerns the effect of nudism on children. Freud and his more contemporary disciples (Benjamin Spock and Joyce Brothers) often warned that children, especially during the years from nine to thirteen, should not be allowed to see their parents nude walking around the house because it would “over-stimulate” the youngsters. This unsupported belief was repeated often during the past 75 years.
While introducing one's children to naturism is a matter of parental choice, Alayne Yates, professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona, has shown that in cultures where nudity in common, children grow up to be less critical of their bodies. Other studies have shown similar, positive benefits for children who are raised in a nudity-friendly environment. In 1985 and again in 1995, Dennis Craig Smith did a Kinsey-style survey of real naturist families to see how growing up in a nudist environment had affected children in both the short-term and long term. His study was published as a book, Growing Up Without Shame, and its conclusions reaffirmed what nudists always knew: that families practicing social nudism at home or at clubs/resorts were more stable and exhibited far fewer psychological problems than occurs in the public at large. Smith sampled nearly a five hundred nudists twice, ten years apart, once as children, and then as adults. He also sampled 500 college-age students who were not nudists so the results could be compared. Of the social nudists surveyed, 90% said nudity at home was a common practice, and 43.3% said it was common to dine in the nude. Some 28.3% of the social nudist group indicated that they had lived permanently with their parents in a nudist camp at some time during their childhood. The results of the ten-year comparison showed that 66.7% of the social nudists labeled their adolescence as "stable" and/or "happy." Less than 18% of them report an "emotionally troubled” adolescence. These numbers were roughly the same for the college student group.
The degree of marital satisfaction for both the nudists and the college groups did not indicate any differences between the two groups. To the charge that nudity leads to increased anti-social behavior later, only three of the 500 social nudists (less than 1%) indicated having been jailed for more than two days, while 21.7% stated that they had ever been arrested. This is slightly better than the national average for non-nudists. The study found few (only 4%) of the nudist respondents indicated any regrets or negative effects about being raised as nudists. And, most telling, 73.3% of them said plan to raise their children as nudists. Involvement in naturism has not been shown to be harmful and may even be beneficial to childhood psychological development. Some parents worry whether their children will be safe in a nude setting. Nude beaches and resorts tend to be very safe places, and naturists do tend to look out for each other. But as in all situations involving children, especially near water, parental vigilance is recommended.
Recently, to avoid any possible litigation, some privately-owned resorts and clubs in the USA forbid bringing any minor children from other families without written permission in advance. A few even exclude children of divorced parents without the written consent of the other ex-spouse (unless they can prove full custody). Of course, this does not apply to public beaches. 

KFM's Bettina, A Popular Ugandan Nudist