Tuesday 17 December 2013

How to Practise Nudism in Your Room With No One Knowing

Have you been intrigued by the nudism movement? Have you wanted to try it yourself sometime? If you're not ready to practice nudism in public, you may want to try it in the privacy of your room before venturing outside. Keep reading to learn how to turn your bedroom into a one-person nudist colony


  1. 1
    Get complete privacy. Shut and lock all the doors and windows in the room that you'll be staying in. Especially at night, pull the shades or blinds. Put a towel or blanket along the bottom of your door if there is a gap between it and the floor. You want complete privacy with no interference.
    • Make sure that you have plenty of things to do, and that you can keep to yourself for the period of time that you have in mind.
  2. 2
    Remove your clothing and place it out of the way in one place that is easily accessible in case you need to get dressed quickly. Lay your clothes out in the order in which you would put them on. (Every second counts!)
  3. 3
    Do what you wish. Find an activity to keep busy, such as:
    • Do fun things such as: Read a book, play a computer game, watch TV, draw, paint, play solitaire, do word searches, play guitar, and so on.
    • Do more serious pursuits such as: refine your resume, do computer research, do your taxes, clean your room, organize photos, and so on. Things that might otherwise not be much fun to do (i.e. cleaning) are often much enjoyable to do while nude.
    • Moderate exercise, stretching, or yoga is very beneficial while nude, especially in front of a full-length mirror, as one can see which muscles and ligaments come into play.
    • Give yourself a self-massage. While you are not able to reach your back, you can massage your legs, arms, torso, feet, hands, stomach, scalp, and other places you can relieve tension.
    • While nude with an extended amount of time at your disposal, it is a good time to apply moisturizing lotion all over your body as you relax on a blanket. In the winter months, especially, this would help solve dryness issues. You could purchase a special back lotion applicator.
    • Don't try anything illegal, harmful or otherwise unintelligent, for obvious reasons.
    • While it may be tempting to engage in self-pleasuring behavior while nude, remember that one of the core principles of nudism is that it is practiced in a non-sexual manner. That is why it is important to have as many other things to fill your time as possible once you shut your door.
  4. 4
    When you are finished, put your clothing back on, and go to another room if you want, with no one else the wiser.


  • Keep sounds/music to a minimum volume (including avoiding the use of earbuds/earphones) so you can hear if someone comes home or knocks on your door while you are nude.
  • Remember to enjoy this time for yourself, and have fun! This is your time to show how unique you are as a person.
  • Have a bathrobe and slippers handy, if you must leave the room to answer the door bell, use the bathroom, answer the telephone, get a snack, and so on. It will be much easier than having to put your clothes back on, and then having to take them off again. However, be ready with a quick answer if someone sees you outside your room and wants to know, "What are you doing in a bathrobe at this hour?". "Oh, I'm going to take a quick shower" is a reasonable answer. Of course, then you'll have to follow through and take one!
  • It is proper nudist etiquette - while at a nudist resort or other event - to bring your own towel to sit on. Even if you're not ready to go to such an event yet, it's good practice to bring a towel into your room to sit on during your nude time so you can get used to the idea.
  • If you plan to be in your room nude for an hour or more, you may want to bring something to eat and drink with you.

  • It is wise to practice nudism when your parents or significant other is not at home. This might be different if you can secure the room and keep it to yourself without anyone getting suspicious and inquiring or questioning your behavior. One way this can be done is by taking a "long" shower or bath.
  • If you are a woman and menstruating, take precaution.

All about Ugandan Nudism/Naturism

What is a Naturist?

A naturist is a nudist. A nudist is a naturist. They are interchangeable terms. One part of the world prefers naturist, another part uses nudist.  The bottom line is that either term refers to a person who prefers to recreate, work, relax, play games, swim, hike, visit with friends, or whatever without clothes. It creates a great feeling of comfort, relaxation, and  freedom that simply cannot be achieved with the mental and physical encumbrances of clothing. Nudists will agree on this point, but will also point out that the acceptance of this truth can only be realized through participation, not through reading or thinking about it, or discussing it with others. It is an experiential reality.

Why do people  become Naturists?

There are probably many answers to this question, almost as many as there are nudists.  Some like to refer to the fact that they were born that way. Yes, some even try it for the wrong reasons, but it quickly becomes evident that sex is not what it is about. If someone attempts to participate for this reason they are soon disappointed and leave on their own. Respectful and courteous behavior toward others is expected. Disrespectful behavior is not tolerated. Naturism is about freedom, enjoyment, and getting in touch with yourself and the real personality in others. At first it can be an exciting or even fearful experience simply due to the mental attitude or baggage we bring with us. The negatives quickly melt away to be replaced with a wonderful feeling of acceptance of yourself and others.

Is it wrong?

Absolutely and unequivocally NO!  This "wrong" judgment and image of the human body, i.e., of ourselves, is the result of misguided and erroneous, but non-the-less dominant cultural teachings. Dominant cultural precepts and attitudes have often been wrong in the past. Just consider such subjects as flat earth vs round earth, earth as the center of the universe, that people could be evil witches and thus should be burned at the stake or drowned, that Blacks were somehow subhuman and therefore slavery was ok, that Native Americans were also subhuman and should be exterminated. More recent  errors of a dominant culture are the Vietnam War, which was thought to be right and necessary, that women do not have the same rights as men. Nudism/naturism is also  being subjected to this kind of "thinking," i.e., seeing the human body or being nude socially as harmful, unacceptable, or somehow obscene or indecent. There is a  self-righteousness, arrogance, and ignorance in this kind of thinking that should not be accepted no matter what the times or the subject matter. Nudism may not appeal to  everyone as sports and opera do not appeal to everyone, but we all should have the right to choose and participate equally and fairly with others without prejudice.

What can I expect to get out of joining in social nudism?

The dominant attitude toward our bodies and thus ourselves is not only wrong, and  disrespectful, but it is harmful to our self image, confidence, and healthy social interaction. Those three aspects are most often referred to as improvements and pluses in their lives by individuals after becoming involved in the nudist lifestyle. This is especially true among nudist children as witnessed by friends, parents, and even researchers. Children are in the early stages of developing attitudes that will follow them throughout  their lives. It is far better for them to develop a healthy attitude while young than to try to change later in life when it is so difficult. It is really more harmful to instill the present dominant cultural fears, misinformation, inhibitions into children.

Social nudism is a sense of freedom, comfort and relaxation that cannot be achieved  when confined physically and mentally in clothing. People, generally, are friendlier and interact more easily and quickly when nude. By meeting at clubs or beaches with people from all over the country and the world there is a kind of national and international  camaraderie that develops. It is an active, take control way to shed oneself of fear and shame regarding our bodies. After being a nudist for a while the snickering, immature attitude of society toward our bodies and their parts, and that of regarding our bodies as a product to be kept secret and doled out in small profitable pieces takes on a kind unsophisticated foolishness.